by Kate Mackenzie
The IMF’s forecasters are terribly worried about global growth – its new report not only contains further downward revisions to global growth forecasts, but talks of an alarming risk of a deeper slump, rising uncertainty, and so on.
Its latest World Economic Outlook features a special box, co-authored by chief economist Olivier Blanchard himself, which notes that “activity has disappointed in a number of economies undertaking fiscal consolidation”. It then examines the key assumption — ie, the fiscal multipler — used for estimating the effect of fiscal consolidation (aka austerity, debt retrenchment etc) upon aggregate output (aka GDP):
Its latest World Economic Outlook features a special box, co-authored by chief economist Olivier Blanchard himself, which notes that “activity has disappointed in a number of economies undertaking fiscal consolidation”. It then examines the key assumption — ie, the fiscal multipler — used for estimating the effect of fiscal consolidation (aka austerity, debt retrenchment etc) upon aggregate output (aka GDP):
The main finding, based on data for 28 economies, is that the multipliers used in generating growth forecasts have been systematically too low since the start of the Great Recession, by 0.4 to 1.2, depending on the forecast source and the specifics of the estimation approach. Informal evidence suggests that the multipliers implicitly used to generate these forecasts are about 0.5. So actual multipliers may be higher, in the range of 0.9 to 1.7.So… why did the IMF (among others) get it so wrong on the fiscal multiplier? nastavak je ovde
Jedna velika stvar mi smeta u ovim raspravama. Postavlja se kao da vlade biraju austerity kada mogu da izaberu i rast sa druge strane. Ta dilema austerity vs. growth nije dilema jer nema rasta koji moze da se izabere. Iz prostog razloga što više nema prostora za pumpanje rasta preko pumpanja javne potrošnje.
Ne zato što je miltiplier manji ili veći od 1 ili zato što važe druga pravila, nego prosto što više nigde nema para za stimulisanje privrede. Jedini izbor je štamparija koja uvek može da radi. Ali i ova kriza je pokazala da kada štampaš previše para, predugo, za deset godina te sačeka pucanje raznih bubbleova. Sretna okolnost, bail-outovi i dug su već toliko veliki da je politička opcija daljeg stimulusa, čak i u Srbiji, sve manje popularnija i sve manej moguća
Pa da, austerity vs growth i nije prava dilema, to je najbolje rekao Blanchard - tu ima onaj “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” element u toj debati!
Jer cak i da politika uspe, treba uraditi dve stvari: austerity + structural (growth enhancing) reform. A to je tesko izvodljivo u demokratijama, nazalost.
Slusajte bilo kog poslanika u parlamentu, ne kao osobu, nego kao nivo svesti zakonodavca i reformatora, pa ce vam biti jasno zasto demokratije sporo ulaze u strukturne reforme - i zasto se reforme sprovode pod pritiskom MMF-a.
E sad, kad se i MMF pita, onda tu u stvari lezi problem!
A problem je i za svesnije nacije tesko resiv
Ja bih rekao u okvirima EU nerešiv, u okvirima van EU poguban za Evropu. Osuđeni smo na još barem 5 godina stagnacije. Nije prvi put u istoriji zapadne civilizacije, a ni u istoriji kapitalizma
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